About Me

Once upon a time, I had a kitchen blog. A beautiful one, on Blogsome.com. Then they stopped the service, so I, along with other millions of Blogsome users, had to rescue our posts somewhere.
I rescued mine to Wordpress and prayed for its longevity.
Then I built this one and prayed for my longevity.
Pray for me.

I’m the head chef in my own head

I eat cakes and dessert first, then hit the main course, IF there’s plenty of room left in my stomach.

I’m 64, married, always a student of life, live in a beautiful country called Indonesia –we have the best food in the world–, in its capital city that is more like a dirty flooded-every-year giant village, Jakarta. Don’t take me wrong, my love for Indonesia goes way beyond bashing.

I have an extremely small humble kitchen (you’ll be surprised to see how small it is) that serves me alright and keeps me happy from time to time.

Basically, I'm just a slave of Allah trapped in my sins, strugglingly repent each step of the way, paving my way to jannah, 'til the day I die.

Feeling generous? Reach me at riana.ambarsari at gmail.com to ask me out for a nice late lunch or early dinner in town. I’m a fun eating partner.

Feeling cheap? Visit my daily blog and drop me a sarcastic comment. Hey, it’s th e least you can do as a cheap person.

Finally, welcome to my kitchen, my happy place. Where food must taste as good as it looks, if not better. All baked with love and passion. Excitement and dedication. To be a benefit for all creatures, for the sake of Allah. And for the love of baking.


Umm.. I'm not 64 yet. But by claiming the number I don't have to worry about updating my age until I am actually 64. You know, like the song :)


Anonymous said…
Mbak riana,

Glad that i found you here, as i have a question about hollman softcream. What is the best substitute for it ( i
Other brand, method??). I live where i can't find HSC here. Thanks in advance.
Riana Ambarsari said…
Hai, hai, siapakah dirimu, wahai Anonymous?
I'm affraid Hollman softcream, along with other similar kind of brands, like Eisella and Merry Whip, are only produced in Southeast Asia, if not only in Indonesia, due to its hot climate that cannot let butter to stand at room temperature. While using white vegetable shortening alone does not taste good and light to the tongue and palate, soft cream has come to the rescue. As for countries with colder temperature, they don't need white vegetable shortening and soft cream to make a good buttercream, they can simply use real butter, because the climate let it stand at room temperature.
So, if you live where the climate is cold and dry, just use real butter to make butter cream, any recipe will do. Or browse for Swiss Meringue Buttercream recipe, it is kind of a hit nowadays :)

Hope this helps.

Anonymous said…
Hi mbak, thanks for the response. So quick too :)
Your explanation was sooo make sense. I will do that and continue enjoying your blog. I just found a candy la..la..la..la.... :)
Saftari said…
hi mbak Riana, bagaimana untuk mengubungimu.. (personal email) ada mau kerjasama. thanks... saftari@gmail.com
Unknown said…
Salam kenal Mba Riana, saya Ary, Mba saya sedang ingin belajar fotografi makanan, dan salah satu referensi yang google berikan adalah buku karya Mba, saya sangat senang sekali ada buku ttg fotografi makanan karya bangsa Indonesia, saat ini saya baru akan mencarinya di jaringan Gramedia, mudah-mudahan masih ada. Namun apabila tidak saya temukan buku tsb apakah saya bisa membelinya langsung dari Mba Riana, semoga masih ada stoknya di Agustus 2014 ini.
Riana Ambarsari said…
Wa alaykumussalam warahmatullah wabarakatuh
Hi Ary, terimakasih atas kepercayaannya dan salam kenal kembali. Bisaaaa.. Di Gramedia memang sudah sangat jarang stocknya. Kamu bisa pesan langsung ke NCC, email ke bendahara kami ibu Yeni Suryasusanti di yeni.suryasusanti@gmail.com.
Lebih lengkap mengenai prosedur pemesanan: http://ncc-indonesia.com/buku-buku-ncc/
Oya hari sabtu besok tgl 16 saya ada kelas food photography di NCC. Kalau kamu di Jakarta dsk mungkin berminat, bisa daftar di 021 3921779.
Semoga bermanfaat!
Anonymous said…
Asalamu'alaikum, salam kenal mba ariana. Sy siska, seorang food lovers terutama brownies panggang yang crunchy.Sy bbrp kali membuat brownies panggang sendiri mengikuti resep2 yg ada tp selalu gagal. Tidak menyerah saya coba terus, terakhir bikin pennylane browniesnya mba ariana yg sdh terbukti sukses dipraktekan oleh byk org, tp sekali lg sy ttp gagal, pdhl prasaan sdh bnr2 mengikuti resepnya dan pake hati juga bikinnya, tp hasilnya selalu mirip kue bolu yg bantat, pdhl mksd hati pgn bikin yg atasnya retak dan crunchy :*(. Bgmn ya mba ariana, sbnrnya apa yg menjadi faktor keretakan dan kecrunchyan suatu brownies panggang. Mohon pencerahannya ya mba, udh ampir desperate ini. Terimakash mba, kynya sy bkl bolak balik trs blog ini dh, seneng bgt liatnya. Salam hangat utk mba ariana dan keluarha :)
Riana Ambarsari said…
Brownies memang bolu bantet kan? Bagian atas yang retak dan crunchy seperti ada lapisan tipis itu memang kadang jadi misteri, hehehe. Umumnya dihasilkan oleh adonan yang mengandung banyak gula dan dipanggang dalam oven dengan suhu cukup tinggi dan merata. Pastikan bagian atas kue memperoleh panas yang sama tingginya dengan bagian bawah, beri ruang cukup di sekeliling loyang agar udara panas bisa bergerak merata. Sukses yaaa..

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